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Wednesday 6 October 2010

Year 11 History: HL Nazi Propanganda

Study the following picture and answer the question below:

1.What target audence of this poster? (Content)
2. Name 5 aspects of this poster that the Nazi would like?(Content)
3. Why would the Nazi Party produce this poster? (Origin/Purpose)
3. How would you improve this poster? (Higher Level Thinking)

Please email answer. pthomas@maryimmaculate.org.uk

1 comment:

  1. 1)the target audience is the people of germany to join the NSDAP
    2)the group NSDAP, the statue in the background,the family in the front, the german words
    3)the nazi party would produce this poster to advatise their party and try to get as many followers and voters as possible
    4)to improve the poster i would add colour that spoke to the german people and advatise the party more instead of having it in the corner
