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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Year 11 Homelearning 13th October

Study the picture below;

This a carton by David Low, which appeared in the London Evening Standard 3 July 1934.
The caption reads 'They saluate with both hands now'.

1.How useful is this source to a historian studying Hilter?

Futher Information:
Goering is standing to the right -Viking
Goebbels is on his kness
The words 'unkept promises' appear on the paper on the floor
The words 'Double cross' appear on Hitler armband

2. Explain why the Night of the Long Knives was so important to Hilter?

Think about who benefited? The Army, The SA, Hitlers rivals, The SS, Himmer and GoeringHitler's own postion

Please email me the answers@


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